Hi! I'm Alin and I've been working for Parity in the Parachains core team since June 2023.
I would like to join Polkadot's technical fellowship as a 1st dan member.
My notable contributions have been centered around a couple of topics:
Availability-recovery subsystem
Improving performance of reed-solomon erasure coding
Elastic scaling:
Polkadot address: 148f8D1P4CP2tV8JuaVHzEXQQgj3jBxEg3k9qZydPzkJjbQG
Alin is a member of the Parachains core team at Parity and wants to join Polkadot's technical fellowship as a 1st dan member. He has made notable contributions in several areas, including improving the availability-recovery subsystem, optimizing the performance of reed-solomon erasure coding, and supporting elastic scaling. Alin has also implemented a fallback request-response protocol in substrate and added NodeFeatures support to the runtime. He has made several pull requests on GitHub, including moving the minimum backing votes threshold to the runtime. His Polkadot address is 148f8D1P4CP2tV8JuaVHzEXQQgj3jBxEg3k9qZydPzkJjbQG.