This referendum is to add and promote Piero to I Dan. Here's his application below:
My name is Piero and I am requesting to join the Polkadot Fellowship.
Quick bio:
- Msc. in Computer Science from ETH Zürich
- Substrate/Polkadot for two years since I joined Encointer in 2021
- Experience with various Web2 backend projects and Web3 Dapps on Tezos
Encointer core protocol:
Thank you for your consideration!
Piero is applying to join the Polkadot Fellowship and has experience in computer science and Web3 Dapps. He has contributed to the Encointer core protocol by designing and implementing various features such as the faucet, democracy module, and endorsement after registration. He has also implemented custom RPCs and storage migrations for Weight V2. Additionally, he has built an indexer using qubquery, an accounting tool for Encointer businesses, and an integration for Encointer personhood in KILT. Piero has also made contributions to Encointer js and made PRs into Polkadot Repos.
It would be nice to see the address in the GitHub profile (any maybe an on-chain identity).
I reached out to Piero for this 😊