As ambassador I'm honored to propose this first batch of talented developers in the Spanish speaking community to become candidates to the Polkadot Fellowship.
All candidates have agreed with this initiative and have shared their address to be included in this proposal
Hello everyone,
Thank you very much Daniel for the proposal.
I'm Hector Bulgarini and i have been working for Parity and contributing to the Polkadot ecosystem for about 3 years.
During this time i had the chance to work with different polkadot components such as bridges, system chains and supporting the ecosystem in my role as Polkadot Application Engineer. My latest highlights are:
I look forward to keep contributing to Polkadot as a fellowship candidate.
As discussed in Element, I'm not against the proposal or the people in it. However, I also would like to see some kind of information on the contributions of all of them before approving it. Maybe also doing it in multiple steps, one per person, would be better.